What Is The Meaning Of 5201314? All You Need To Know About Mystery Behind The Number

What Is The Meaning Of 5201314? All You Need To Know About Mystery Behind The Number

If you are one of those persons who have trouble memorising long sequences of numbers, don’t worry; once you realise why 5201314 means “I love you for a lifetime,” you won’t forget it too quickly. What does the number indicate, then? To discover the puzzle, keep reading. Many different puzzles may be found online every day, but this one could surprise you. It’s fantastic to have a number that expresses how lovers feel about one another. The story behind the number is even more wonderful. The number 5201314 which has gone viral on the Internet means “I love you for a lifetime” and how is that?

The number 5201314 means ‘I love you for a lifetime’. Curious to know why? Find here

The number 5201314 has created a buzz on social media. If you have come across the number 5201314 on social media and are wondering what it means, read on.

5201314 meaning

The number 5201314 which has gone viral on the Internet means “I love you for a lifetime”.

But how?

In Chinese, “I love you for a lifetime” is translated as “我愛你一輩子”. It is pronounced as “Wǒ ài nǐ yībèizi”.

The numbers 5 2 0 are pronounced as “Wǔ’èr líng” in Mandarin. The pronunciation is very similar to “我愛你” (Wǒ ài nǐ), which means “I love you” in Mandarin. Similarly, the pronunciation of the numbers 1 3 1 4 is similar to that of “for a lifetime” in Mandarin.

In fact, Chinese web addresses often use strings of numbers, like the dating site 5201314.com.

Chinese people started using 520 as a slang word on social media to say “I love you” in Mandarin, just like ILY in English.

Interestingly, people soon started relating it with the date May 20 (5.20). Many even started treating May 20 as Valentine’s Day on social media.

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Different types of social media slang

If you’ve been observing social media conversations, you might have come across a ton of pager codes or slang that take you a while to figure out. However, because so many people are now using this slang, it is even more important to understand what they mean so you can respond to your relatives more effectively.

1. <3

Meaning: Love

Because <3 looks like a heart, it is used as a symbol of “love.”

2. 143

Meaning: I Love You

The number 143 represents the number of letters in each word of the phrase “I love you.”

3. 14344

Meaning: Love You Very Much

The number 14344 represents the number of letters in each word of the phrase “I love you very much.”

4. 420

Meaning: Weed

Everybody knows 4:20 is the time to smoke pot. And everybody knows that 4/20 is International Pot Smoking Day. But not many people, not even the oldest and most ardent pot smokers, know why or how the number 420 became linked to pot smoking.

420 is an annual event taking place on April 20 (the date is 20/4, or in the American date format, 4/20), in celebration of cannabis.

While 420 is widely used in common vernacular in reference to the date of the event, it also relates to the origin of the observance, the history of which can be traced back to the early 1970s in California.

5. 182

Meaning: I hate you

Code for “I hate you,” 182 is used in text messages and other text communication because “I” is one character, “hate” sounds like 8, and “you” sounds like 2.

What Does 5201314 Mean?

When read aloud in Chinese, the number 5201314 sounds like the phrase 我爱你一生一世, which translates as “I will love you for a lifetime.” It is similar in meaning and use to English abbreviations such as 143 637 (I love you always and forever).

5201314 is now widely used online and in text messaging (even among non-Chinese speakers) as a declaration of eternal devotion. However, just as with similar terms in English, it can also imply a lack of sincerity on the part of the sender.

For example:

  • Toni: I love you so much!
  • Jo: 5201314.
  • Ali: Good night. 5201314.
  • Sam: Thanks. I’ll beleive it when you tell me to my face.

There are many other Chinese numerical expressions of love and affection including:

  • 520 – I love you.
  • 530 – I miss you.
  • 51921 – I still love you.

What is 5201314?

5201314 means ‘I love you forever. The first numbers–5, 2, 0 are pronounced as ‘Wǔ’èr líng’. The sound of ‘Wǔ’èr líng’ is very similar to the Mandarin word ‘Wǒ ài nǐ’ which means ‘I love you’.

The second half of the word, ‘1314’ is similar to the pronunciation of the Mandarin word ‘yībèizi’ which means ‘fore ever’. In Chinese, the pronunciation for ‘I love you for a lifetime’ is ‘Wǒ ài nǐ yībèizi’. Hence, many netizens are using the number 5201314 to convey ‘I love you forever’.

Chinese people started using 520 as a slang word on social media to say “I love you” in Mandarin, just like ILY in English. Interestingly, people soon started relating it with the date May 20 (5.20). Many even started treating May 20 as Valentine’s Day on social media.

520 Chinese Internet Valentine’s Day

Are numbers just numbers? Well, not really. Everyone has their own favorite number, it could be a birthday date, your wedding day, a number that brought you luck in the past, wherever the reason may be, one thing is certain is that they are not just simple numbers for us.

Chinese people also do the same, but a step above, in the sense that sometimes they communicate not only with words but also with numbers!

The Chinese language has a very unique grammatical structure, where each word is constructed as an isolated block of meaning and more characters together are just like the pieces of a puzzle. If you think about it, numbers are quite similar in this regard, all of them have a meaning which is the quantity they indicate, but they can be separated and combined to create different numbers.

What if some numbers sound similar to real words? Bam, then you have a match made in heaven. You can literally write a sentence in Mandarin using just numbers.

For example, try reading aloud 520 in Mandarin, what does it sound like? Well, 520 is homophonic to “I love you” in Chinese! In fact, the 20th of May (520)  is pronounced (wǔ èr líng)which sound very similar to 我爱你(wǒ ài nǐ)I love you, that is why the 20th (and 21st) have been labeled as the Internet Valentine’s Day(网络情人节).

Ok, we get the part about Valentine’s Day, but why “internet”? Unlike International Valentine’s Day (February 14th) and Chinese Valentine’s Day (七夕) which are primarily for “real” lovers who are in a confirmed love relationship or even married, 520 is more about expressing your love to your crush, what in Mandarin is called  表白(confess one’s love).

And since it may be too difficult for many to say “I love you”  face-to-face, some people decide to use Chinese social media (like WeChat, Weibo, QQ…) to confess their feelings by typing messages with 520 or 521, maybe even attaching a gift ! Here comes the business side of this special day. And as an old Chinese saying goes: “only when there is demand there can be business”.

Companies such as florists, chocolate brands, travel agencies, jewelry, cosmetics & fashion brand have used this online phenomenon and turned it into an efficient marketing strategy to engage with Chinese consumers. At the same time, with the popularity of e-commerce, many people choose to buy their Valentine’s Day gift online to express their feelings and hope for the best.

520 is not the only way to communicate in Mandarin, you can also take note of another expression 5201314! 520 means love, whereas 1314 represents 一生一世 yīshēng yīshì (for a lifetime). So, if you say 5201314, you are saying “I love you for a lifetime”.

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